Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe
The European University Alliance IN.TUNE
Selected as one of the only seven new alliances under the 2023 Erasmus+ European Universities call, the IN.TUNE becomes one of the 51 alliances cooperating across borders and disciplines in the frame of the European Universities initiative, as the only one in the field of music and arts.
The European University Alliance IN.TUNE started on January 1st 2024. Selected as one of the only seven new alliances under the 2023 Erasmus+ European Universities call, the IN.TUNE becomes one of the 51 alliances cooperating across borders and disciplines in the frame of the European Universities initiative, as the only one in the field of music and arts.
Joint education provision & mobility
Research & innovation
Societal engagement
The IN.TUNE brings together eight universities in the field of music and arts from North, East, South and West Europe striving to deepen their cooperation to bring about institutional transformation and the enhancement of their quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness, in line with the goals set by the European strategy for universities, emphasizing the important role of higher education in shaping sustainable, democratic and resilient societies.
Objective:To set up a framework that will ensure the efficient management of the alliance with a clear governance structure with transparent decision-making procedures, cooperation agreements and monitoring and reporting processes, and develop a long-term sustainability plan for the alliance, which will include a strategy paper on the future of higher music education in a broader artistic and societal context and the role of IN.TUNE in this future.
Work package 1 is led by Oslo. The ESMUC representative is Melissa Mercadal, Vice-director for academic affaires.
Objective:To develop an IN.TUNE Mobility Framework and an IN.TUNE eLearning Policy to achieve seamless mobility through streamlining both physical and virtual mobility in terms of intensity, organisation and recognition.
Work package 2 is led by Bucharest. The ESMUC representative is Gemma Gascón, ERASMUS coordinator + WG1 Mobility.
Objective: To develop an IN.TUNE New Educational Format Methodology that will offer students flexible learning pathways through new collaborative educational formats.
Work package 3 is led by Paris. The ESMUC representative is Néstor Giménez, Piano and Composition Professor at Jazz Department.
Objective: To develop an IN.TUNE Research Cooperation Framework.
Work package 4 is led by Helsinki. The ESMUC representative is Felix Pastor, Professor at Composition Department.
Objective: To develop an IN.TUNE Policy on Capacity Building and Innovation in Learning & Teaching.
Work package 5 is led by Barcelona. The ESMUC representative is Alex Tentor, Guitar Professor at Classical and Contemporary Music Departament.
Objective: To develop, in consultation with associate partners, joint policies in the areas of a) Lifelong Learning for professionals, b) employability, professional integration and sustainable careers, c) audience engagement and cultural citizenship, d) diversity and inclusion, and e) various dimensions of sustainability.
Work package 6 is led by Vienna. The ESMUC representative is Enric Guaus, Professor at Music Technology and Management Departament.
Objective :To set up an IN.TUNE Quality Assurance Process, including:the development of robust quality assurance arrangements with internal and external tools to monitor all activities and outcomes of IN.TUNE, andthe review of existing institutional quality assurance systems and an exploration of how a closer alignment and collaboration between these systems can be achieved with the aim to ensure that the long-term institutional cooperation in IN.TUNE is based on a mutual and continuous trust of artistic standards and educational quality.
Work package 7 is led by The Hague. The ESMUC representative is Joaquim Rabaseda, Head of Research, Quality and Innovation.
Objective: To develop the IN.TUNE Internal and External Communication & Dissemination Policy for both internal (ensuring that involvement in and impact of the activities of IN.TUNE are widely felt in our institutions) and external communication.
Work package 8 is led by Belgrade. The ESMUC representative is Montse Urpí, Head of Communications.
As a student, teacher or academic manager, you can now develop new, innovative projects that will change education in music and the arts, within the IN.TUNE alliance and beyond. This call for proposals describes how you can apply to develop a new educational format. If your proposal is selected, you will have the opportunity to work with students and colleagues around the alliance and implement your own project with financial and administrative support.
A member of the Audience Engagement & Cultural Citizenship WG should have specific interest and/or experience in different forms of audience engagement – from the traditional concert hall to socially engaged practices, ways of mediation between (a work of) art and an audience, the role of the artist in society, empowering students to curate and perform in various (social) contexts. Members of the WG can be researchers, teachers focusing on the above and other experts with practical or theoretical experiences in the field.
The Diversity & Inclusion WG should have specific knowledge and/or interest in diversity-related issues and measures, that include gender (as well as gender-based and sexual harassment), ethnicity/race, class, cultural and social context, disability, religion or worldview, age and sexual orientation.
The Working Group/Committee/Alliance thrives to an understanding of diversity that acts based on anti-discriminatory concepts and an intersectional approach.
IN.TUNE explores and influence the future of music and arts education in Europe, students and professionals together