Official Master’s Degree in Performance of Flamenco

Duration1 year. It can be taken in 3 years, with a minimum of 20 ECTS/year
Calendar1st term: 15 September - 16 January.
2nd term: 2 February - 12 June.
Fees credit68,95 € 

This master’s degree is an ESMUC’s pioneering venture that has been approved by the Ministry of Education. It is a professional master’s degree. Its aim is to perfect the interpretive practice in a wide range of instrumental specialties:

  • Flamenco guitar

  • Flamenco Singing

  • Flamenco Bass

  • Flamenco Piano

  • Flamenco for wind instruments

  • Flamenco for string instruments

  • Flamenco percussion

Access and admission

As a prerequisite for access, candidates must have a higher degree (240 ECTS).

  • a) Official higher degree in musical arts education in Spain.

  • b) Degree issued for a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area that guarantees to the country that has issued the degree of access to master’s degree courses.

  • c) Degree according to systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for homologation (consult particular cases) as long as the degree acquired guarantees the country that has issued the degree of access to postgraduate studies.

  • d) Also to musicians without a Higher Degree in Music but with an equivalent degree and with the appropriate level to complete the Master in Flamenco.

Admission process:

1. Assessment of the candidate by a court, by means of audio / video recording (1), of a duration of 15 to 20 minutes, with 4 works of the itinerary to which it chooses. They can be performed alone or with accompaniment. Recording of image and sound of the candidate made with fixed camera, without editions, in which the face of the candidate is seen clearly, in an interpretation of the last 6 months. Therefore, it is important to state the date of recording.

(This section is valued at 60%).

For the final assessment, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • A) Quality in the musical interpretation of the works: communication / transmission of the interpretation, coherence and interpretative creativity.

  • B) Difficulty and technical aspects.

  • C) Time, rhythmic accuracy.


2. Interview with the candidate and general evaluation of the curriculum taking into account the different elements that allow to guarantee a use of the candidate in one of the different lines of specialization

• Membership of the Faculty of Music Teachers. 1 point.

• Seniority in a higher center. 1 point

• Artistic level in concert activity. 4 points

• Awards. 3 points.

• Other higher degrees in music. 1 point

(This section is valued at 30%).

Type of subjectECTS
Mandatory common20
Compulsory specialty18
External internships4
Final master's thesis12
Total credits60

SubjectsSubjectsECTS creditsHoursSemester
Common compulsory subjects
Advanced interpretationInstrumental interpretation I1010 individual + 2 groups1
Instrumental interpretation II1010 individual + 2 groups2
Professional internshipsExternal artistic practices415 h2
Final master's thesis / concert
Final master's thesis work / recording
Recording techniques
Project preparation

20 h col.
(10 sessions)

6 Individual.
1 i 2

Recording and production of the project63
Compulsory specialty subjects
Interpretive practice as a wholeFlamenco combo322,51
Accompaniment to the Cante / Baile322,52
Flamenco-fusion combo322,51
Complementary theoretical trainingFlamenco composition techniques6452
Flamenco analysis3301
Optional subjects (common to all specialties)
Complementary vocational trainingFlamenco compass:
Palms and rhythmic resources
Jazz improvisation322,51
History of flamenco guitar (Online Mode)3302
Flamenco arrangements3302
Transcription for flamenco guitar3302
Flamenco repertoires31
Objectives and competencies

Competences for obtaining the degree

Specific competenciesGeneral competencies
CE-1Have the ability to relate practical and theoretical studies to strengthen their own artistic development.
CE-2Possess criteria of interpretation based on a critical and analytical vision of the repertoire to interpret in the different itineraries of specialization of the alumnado.
CE-3Possess specific interpretive criteria based on the theoretical knowledge acquired in their specialization itinerary.
CE-4To know specialized repertoires and to be able to develop an individual and / or collective work of the own instrumental specialty.
CE-5Express himself musically with his instrument in a way based on knowledge and mastery of instrumental and body technique, as well as stylistic variants, in his area of ​​specialization.
CE-6Possess reading and improvisation skills to improve different interpretive aspects.
CE-7Be able to apply knowledge about the common elements and patterns of music organization to express their own artistic concepts.
CE-8Be able to develop, present and demonstrate in public programming interpretations that are consistent and appropriate to their area or specialty.
CE-9Be able to use and apply music technology in the field of Performing and Research
CE-10To have the own resources of the orchestral work and other ensembles adequately dominating the reading at first sight, being flexible to the indications of the musical direction and being integrated in the group.
CG-1Possess the skills, knowledge and musical artistic understanding to make innovative proposals in interpretive projects.
CG-2Apply their skills, knowledge and artistic understanding as well as the ability to solve problems, in new or little known situations and in multidisciplinary contexts related to their field of study.
CG-3Demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge in practical and / or creative fields, possess the capacity for self-assessment and assume responsibility for their future artistic commitments.
CG-4To know pedagogical and communication resources for the teaching of the instrument in the higher degree from an interpretative perspective.
CG-5Possess tools for learning, self-motivation and practical and creative skills in order to be constant in the study and work independently or autonomously.
CG-6Linking one's own musical activity to other disciplines of scientific and humanistic thinking, to the arts in general and to other musical disciplines in particular, enriching the exercise of their profession with a multidisciplinary dimension.
CG-7Acquire resources for memorization.
CG-8Demonstrate the ability to work and interact musically in different types of interpretive music projects, from the duo to large ensembles, playing a solo role, promoting active listening and respectful dialogue, enriching the exercise of their profession with a multidisciplinary dimension.

  • Joaquín Sánchez: flamenco for wind instruments

  • Rafael Cañizares: guitar

  • Ismael Alcina: bass flamenco

  • Joan Asensio: flamenco analysis, flamenco compass

  • David Domínguez: flamenco percussion

  • Alfonso Aroca: flamenco piano

  • Elizabeth Gex: flamenco for stringed instruments

  • Jorge Mesa: cantaor assistent

  • Juan Manuel Cañizares: Flamenco Composition Techniques

  • Ana Brenes: cante flamenco

  • Laura Marchal: cante flamenco


To access the selection process for any of the master’s degrees offered by Esmuc, whether official or own, pre-registration is required.

Pre-registration open from February 7 to April 7, 2024

  • Joan Asensio (Master’s degree coordinator):

  • Rubén Bes (Coordinator of the Master of Flamenco):

  • Juanjo Rubio (administration):

Master’s degree verified by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia
M Avançat En Flamenc Esmuc

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