Congresses, Conferences and Workshops

ESMUC’s Extracurricular Activities are an integrating and complementary element to the formal educational offer. They are usually open to the public and are presented on an intermittent basis or in the form of cycles, generally on an annual basis.

Main periodic events

Fiddle Congress

Barcelona Fiddle Congress

The Barcelona Fiddle Congress includes lectures, debates, masterclasses, workshops, concerts and exhibitions by exhibitors and luthiers on bowed string instruments of the popular tradition. It also represents ESMUC’s commitment to a musical education that embraces all styles.

Jornades ab Sentits

The conference, which ESMUC has been organising since 2018, includes lectures, round tables and commented concerts that focus on the various aspects of musical significance and the role of music in the human sciences.

Ab Sentits
Arts I Salut

Arts i Salut

A conference aimed at professionals in the arts, education and medicine, which addresses the relationship between various expressions of art and health sciences, whether it be exploring the health of people who dedicate themselves to music or exploring its therapeutic aspects.

ESMUC Piano Forum

A space for exchanging opinions on the repertoire and the interpretative training of this instrument. The forum includes presentations, talks and concerts given by a selection of students from ESMUC and other conservatoires and music schools in Catalonia.

Piano Fòrum 2023
Seminari De Didàctica

Didactics Seminar

Sessions open to the public of the subject Seminar on Didactics, Didactics of the Instrument II and Musica and Community, in which teachers from different fields are invited to complete the curricular framework of the Degree in the speciality of Pedagogy.

Festival Mixtur

ESMUC collaborates in the organisation of the New Sound Creation Festival of Barcelona with several concerts, conferences and master classes that take place at the School. Mixtur aims to promote musical creation in relation to the search for sound.

Seminari Pedagogies Crítiques

Pedagogies crítiques

Seminar aimed at students and professionals who wish to delve deeper into music pedagogy from a critical and transversal perspective. The content of the sessions is aimed at audiences trained in any musical, artistic or pedagogical field.

Baroque orchestra workshop

Aimed at string instrumentalists who love baroque music and want to learn and play this music in ensemble or orchestra format. On each day, the teachers of the Early Music Department will work on different styles and repertoires.

Vespres D'antiga 1x1

Jornades d’Estudi dels Instruments de la Cobla

A meeting point for students, teaching staff and professionals in the field of dissemination who wish to broaden their knowledge and discuss the instruments of the cobla.

Forum Musical Education in the 21st Century

An annual event that brings together music education professionals, alumni and Pedagogy students for a day of knowledge, exchange and innovation.

Each year, the Forum proposes a theme linked to the world of music or art education, with the aim of sharing, contrasting and debating -lerning, in short- about the ideas and projects presented.

Educació Musical Al Xxi
Congress On Musical Signification

International Congress on Musical Signification

Organised by musicologists Joan Grimalt and Eero Tarasti, the ICMS is a congress on musical semiology.

I Jornada De Cors I Grups Vocals De Musica Moderna 1

Workshop of choirs and vocal groups of modern music “Ens donem veu”

The proposal arises from the desire to share a space to address several needs that some students of the specialty of Pedagogy have detected when they have entered the professional field of conducting modern music choirs.

Round tables

The ESMUC round tables aim to open a space for debate on various aspects of the professional world of music and the dynamisation of the sector.

Taules Rodones