Official Master’s Degree in Performance of Classical and Contemporary Music

Crèdits ECTS60
CalendarFrom September 2025 to May 2026
ScheduleInstrument lessons and ensemble rehearsals:
Monday to Friday.

Group classes for theoretical subjects: Friday and
Teaching languageCatalan, Spanish, English
ModeAttending. It is necessary to attend 80% of classes
in order to be evaluated
Fees credit65,25 €
Specialties- Piano
- Guitar
- Voice
- Orchestra Instruments(flute-piccolo, oboe,
clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, french horn, trumpet,
trombone, tuba/euphonium, violin, viola, cello,
double bass, percussion and harp)
- Organ
- Accordion

The Master’s Degree in Performance of Classical and Contemporary Music Instruments is a professional degree. The objective is to train specialists in musical performance by offering a program of improvement in the instrument while concentrating on the specific repertoire in order to develop independently in a professional environment, either as soloists or as members of musical groups.

Admission process

To apply to any speciality, the following documentation must be submitted:

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Copy of ID card, NIE or passport

  • Copy of the diploma of higher degree or equivalent

  • Copy of academic transcript

  • Motivation letter, specifying in order of preference the teachers with whom you would like to work.

  • A link to Dropbox or Yotube channel, or a DVD of a minimum duration of 30 minutes with 3 fragments of different styles of various works, or sufficiently differentiated parts of a complex work, of the instrumental specialty for which the candidate is applying. The recording, made with a still camera, must include image and sound of the applicant. It is essential that the date of the recording is also included, since the performance must be from the last 6 months.

  • A preliminary project specifying:
    The main lines of interest regarding musical research related to the instrument and ideas about the theme of the final work, if any.
    Proposal of repertoire to work on during the master’s degree.

In case of doubt, or if the teachers consider it necessary, a face-to-face audition may also be requested.


The Master is divided into required and optional areas. Each area includes different subjects, of which some are common and others specific to the specialty.

Check the curricula for the specialy in:

  • To provide advanced training and professional specialization in the field of music performance, while promoting critical thinking to enhance self-directed work.

  • To prepare musicians to enter the professional environment at the highest level, with the knowledge, flexibility and imagination necessary for them to develop a professional practice in contemporary artistic life.

  • To encourage students to come together as competent musicians, expanding and integrating their intellectual, emotional and physical resources, as reflected in the practice of musical excellence.

Student profile

This masters is aimed to individuals with a Bachelor Degree in Music (or equivalent) or music professionals in the field of contemporary and classical music, who wish to specialize in music performance at the highest academic level and interpretation.




Faculty of theoretical subjects
Branch, AlanVocal coaching
Carrasco, ElisendaNon instrumental subject
Coll, XavierNon instrumental subject
Gascón, MontserratNon instrumental subject
Gasull, FeliuNon instrumental subject
González, PedroNon instrumental subject
Grimalt, JoanNon instrumental subject
Iotti, GuidoNon instrumental subject
Laguna, OscarNon instrumental subject
Marigó, CarlesNon instrumental subject
Minguet, VicentNon instrumental subject
Mora, MireiaNon instrumental subject
Reche, PepeNon instrumental subject
Sampablo, AlbertoNon instrumental subject
San Cristóbal, ÚrsulaNon instrumental subject
Sigüenza, CarlesNon instrumental subject
Simarro, MiguelNon instrumental subject
Torras, MontserratNon instrumental subject
Instrument teaching faculty
Zenzerovic, MatejaAccordion
Barrera, MagdalenaHarp
Fuster, JosepClarinet
Lluna, Joan EnricClarinet
Castillo, XavierBass clarinet
Camps, JonathanDouble Bass
Martínez, UxíaDouble Bass
Gàllego, JúliaFlute
Mora, AlbertFlute
Prats, VicensFlute
Rielo, Maria JoséBassoon
Coll, XavierGuitar
Garrobé, AlexandreGuitar
Tentor, ÀlexGuitar
Young, Laura AnneGuitar
Chiralt, DolorsOboe
Martínez, EduardoOboe
Candendo, OscarOrgan
De La Rubia, JuanOrgan
Aixa, MarcPercussion
Bernat, MiquelPercussion
Ferrandiz, LorenzoPercussion
Barbeta, XavierPiano
Bronevetzky, VladislavPiano
Camell, JordiPiano
Dichamp, Jean-FrançoisPiano
Lossev, DenisPiano
Masó, JordiPiano
Pla, AdolfPiano
Salinas, RafaelPiano
Garcia, MarianoSaxophone
Garcia, RaulTrombone
Perpiñán, DanielTrombone
Casado, Josep AntónTrumpet
Farrés, MireiaTrumpet
Serrano, ÁngelTrumpet
Fernández, Pablo ManuelTuba/Euphonium
Garrigosa, FrancescVoice
Mateu, AssumptaVoice
Natividade, MargaridaVoice
Pintó, MireiaVoice
Rey, Mª IsabelVoice
Gotlibovich, YuvalViola
Pillai, AshanViola
Puig Torné, AnnaViola
Castro, RaquelViolin
Kai GleusteenViolin
Stanculeasa, VladViolin
Martínez, DamiàCello
Mor, JoséCello
Pestalozzi, CristoforoCello

2025 – 2026

  • September: 26-27

  • October: 10-11 ; 24-25

  • November: 7-8 ; 21-22

  • December: 12-13

  • January: 9-10 ; 16-17

  • February: 6-7 ; 20-21

  • March: 6-7 ; 20-21

  • April: 10-11 ; 24-25

  • May: 8-9 ; 22-23


3 BECAS AIE of €1,670 (each) for students of the ESMUC’s Official Master’s Degree in Performance of Classical and Contemporary Music.

1 scholarship from the Fundació Frederic Mompou (€2,000) for research and performance of the music of this composer.

Master’s degree accredited by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia

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