Economic and budgetary information
Economic and budgetary data of the centre: budgets, annual accounts and agreements and collaboration agreements signed by the school.
Annual reports
Account audit reports
The Audit Office, as the auditing body of the public sector in Catalonia, in accordance with current regulations and in compliance with its annual programme of activities, issues this audit report of the Foundation for the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya regarding the financial year 2013.
The scope of this limited inspection has included the following aspects:
1. Audit the budget liquidation.
2. Review compliance with applicable legislation in the areas of accounting, budgeting, recruitment, and staff remuneration.
3. Calculate a set of economic indicators for the foundation’s activity.
The temporal scope of this report has been limited to the financial year 2013, although, when deemed necessary to complete the work, it has been extended to previous and subsequent periods.
Report 23/2015 of the Audit Office
Approved budgets
The Administration and public sector companies comply with their obligation to report on contracts relating to the last 5 years through the Registre Públic de Contractes enabled by the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Information on contests and tenders
The Foundation for the School of Music of Catalonia (FESMUC), a foundation for teaching purposes, subject to the Consolidated Text of the Public Sector Contracts Law (RDL 3/2011 of November 14), is part of the public sector.
The information on the tenders and tenders promoted by the FESMUC can be consulted on the website of the Platform for public contracting services of the Generalitat.
Postal address
C/ Padilla, 155
08013 Barcelona