Master’s Degree in Management of Arts Education Centers

Blended learning course specifically aimed at professionals who work or want to become managers or directors of arts education centers.

CalendarFrom September 27, 2024 to July 11, 2025
TitleMaster in Management of Arts Education Centers. ESMUC's diploma.
Teaching languageSpanish
ModeBlended learning

Informative meeting (online): March 22, 2024 – 11:30
Request access link to the meeting by email:

The current reality of arts education, with increasingly complex projects, closely linked to the territory and in many cases interdisciplinary, requires specialized management professionals. The importance of team management and an approach to innovation compels the center to respond to the needs of the territory while consolidating a stable and motivated team aligned with the project of the center.

This Master’s Degree in Management of Arts Education Centers is an opportunity to train and professionally improve those who want to meet the challenges of this reality in both public and private art education centers, through research in educational organization.

Access and admission

At the time of registration, all applicants must send through the contact email

  • Resume

  • Motivation letter

To access this master’s degree it is necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree or another issued by an institution of higher education of the European Higher Education Area that authorizes, in the country of issue, the title for access to master’s degrees.

The degrees of access to this master are:

  • Bachelors or graduates in music

  • College graduates

In the case of not having any of the above qualifications, the Academic Commission of the Master’s Studies (CAEM) of the center may accept the admission of the applicant, if it shows a background and skills for the completion of the master. If at the time of completing the master’s degree, the student continues without having one of the qualifications required for access, a certificate of achievement will be given, but in no case of the master’s degree.

The admission is resolved by the Academic Commission of the Master’s Studies (CAEM) of the Center. This commission is formed by:

  • Master and Research Coordinator of the Center

  • Master’s Director

  • Coordinator of the master in question

  • Two professors linked to the master’s degree studies

  • Responsible for the Academic Management of the Center (or who delegates)

Once the admission is finished, the allocation of places will be based on the following criteria:

  • Resume (60%)

  • Motivation letter (40%)

SUBJECT 1 - Fundamentals of educational organization
Fundamentals of educational organization

Organization planning

Corporate communication

Economic, financial and resource management

Academic and administrative management

SUBJECT 2 - Relational system and team management
Organization culture
Leadership and team management
Team and human resources management

SUBJECT 3 - Educational direction for change
Management models and tools

Objectives and challenges in the management
of institutions

SUBJECT 4 - Quality and research in institutions
Quality and evaluation

Innovation and research.
Organizational development

SUBJECT 5 - Management project
Center / teams observation (practicum)
Master's Thesis
Objectives and competencies

The reality of the management of artistic educational institutions is usually between educational management and cultural management, and that is why we propose a training that feeds from both fields and accompanies in the construction of this professional profile.

Basic skillsSpecific skills
  • The basic competencies are those contained in point 3.3 of Annex I of RD 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes the organization of official university education, modified by RD 861/2010, of 3 October. July.

  • Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.

  • That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.

  • That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. .

  • That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the latest knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

  • That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will need to be largely self-directed or autonomous.

Ability to use a strategic perspective in relation to the institution, its service and the environment

  • Integrate the guiding principles of the institution into actions, processes and projects

  • Awareness of the degree of impact of the service on the environment

  • Assess the connection and participation in the sector

  • Recognize the sphere of influence, the environment and potential users, partners and collaborators.

  • Contribute to the deployment of public policies for the community.

Ability to lead teams and people, in a positive relational environment, in a creative, effective and efficient way in accordance with the guiding principles of the project

  • Design and run the most appropriate systems to attract people to your team

  • Generate a climate that promotes the commitment (Engagement) of the people of the team and know how to manage their talents for the team

  • Know what are the internal promotion processes of the institution itself and manage them, and know others that are carried out in the sector itself

  • Generate a framework of autonomy, confidence and self-management in the team itself

  • Organize work and equipment with a principle of efficienc

  • Take care and keep track of the team members

  • Know and use public procurement regulations in personnel selection and management processes

Ability to focus the organization on quality and continuous improvement through research.

  • Use continuous evaluation as a tool for institutional improvement

  • Integrate innovation and research in pedagogical and management processes

  • Use institutional quality indicators for decision making

  • Identify trends in pedagogy of the arts, models and tools

Ability to develop educational, cultural and artistic projects with a desire for advocacy, impact or community transformation

  • Analyze the environment in which the project is developed and make a diagnosis of needs and opportunities

  • Define objectives, design, plan and monitor the different phases of a project, as well as use the evaluation for improvement and renewal

  • Develop the economic management of your center using the appropriate tools for its execution to achieve maximum efficiency

  • Develop the academic management processes of the institution itself, using the appropriate tools to achieve maximum efficiency

  • Develop the communicative strategy of the institution itself

  • Know how to apply the current regulations and legislation both of the operation of the public administration and of the management of indirect management projects

  • Generate and maintain community connections and networks in the sector itself

Career opportunity

The consolidation of the professional and labor career as a manager through a second cycle academic accreditation, the acquisition of the necessary bases for the creation, transformation or management of an artistic educational center and the training for the exercise of managerial positions, management or responsibility within an artistic educational center, lead to professional outings such as:

  • Direction of arts education centers

  • Member of management teams of arts education centers

  • Teams an human resources managers of arts education centers

  • Education technicians in the artistic field

  • Other positions of responsibility in the artístic field


Direction: Ignasi Gómez Margarit
Coordinator: Prof. Joan Fargas Castanys

The teaching staff of the master’s degree is made up of professionals with experience in the creation and management of artistic educational centers who are currently active in their field of expertise: teaching staff of the departments of Pedagogy and Production and Management of the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, with the regular collaboration of university faculty and other renowned professionals.

Serafín Antúnez: Fundamentals of educational organization
Enric Aragonès: Objectives and challenges for center management
Ester Bonal: Objectives and challenges in the management of institutions
Ruben Bes: Organization planning | Master’s Thesis | Innovation, research and organisational development
Maite Carol: Economic, financial and resource management
Javier Duque: Fundamentals of educational organization
Carles Farràs: Organization planning | Economic, financial and resource management | Team and human resources management | Objectives and challenges in the management of institutions
Joan Fargas: Observation of projects and teams | Center culture | Leadership and Team Management |
Begonya Folch: Quality and evaluation
Blanca Gallo: Modelos y herramientas en la dirección de centros | Objectives and challenges in the management of institutions
Ignasi Gómez: Fundamentals of educational organization | Master’s Thesis
Manel Gonzalez Piñero: Objectives and challenges in the management of institutions
Judith Pi: Corporate communication
Alberto Sampablo: Economic, financial and resource management | Team and human resources management
Núria Sempere: Fundamentals of educational organization | Objectives and challenges in the management of institutions
Jordi Umbert: Academic and administrative management | Management models and tools | Objectives and challenges in the management of institutions

Academic calendar

The Master’s is held from September to June and is designed in a practical way so that the student can link learning to their reality or their projects.

There will be three types of sessions:

  • Online in self-managed schedule by the student himself, from work with documents, audiovisual material, questionnaires or internships.

  • Online in person through video conferences led by the teacher of each subject. (Also exhibitions of invited people, project presentations, round tables, …)

  • Three face-to-face periods at Esmuc (at times in the calendar that facilitate attendance by people from the sector).


  • Classes: Tuesdays from 9.30am to 11am and 11.30am to 1pm.

  • Weekly tutoring and complementary activities: Fridays from 10:00 to 11:00 (11:30 in some previously scheduled sessions).


  • Course launch: 27 September 2024

  • Start of classes: 1 October 2024

  • Last day of school: 17 June 2025

  • Defence of final master’s thesis: week of 7 to 11 July 2025.
    Extraordinary call: week of 1 to 5 September 2025.

Face-to-face periods at ESMUC

  • 11 and 12 October 2024 (Friday from 10:00 to 18:30 and Saturday from 9:30 to 17h)

  • 29 and 30 November 2024 (Friday from 10:00 to 18:30 and Saturday from 9:30 to 17h)

  • From 12 to 16 April 2025 (12, 13, 14 and 15 from 9:30 to 17h; 16 from 9:30 to 14h)

Student profile

The Master in Management of Arts Education Centers is mainly aimed at:

  • Members of management teams of artistic training centers

  • Teachers of artistic training centers interested in taking the step towards management

  • Students who have finished the degree and want to focus their profession towards this field.

  • Cultural management professionals

The profile of the master’s student is defined, among others, by the following identity notes and requirements:

  • To seek the improvement of one’s own professional practice, with a frank and open attitude to reflection, criticism, transformation, innovation and research on the activity carried out as a manager.

  • Have in the direction and management a field of dedication based on service to others, with clear components of personal development and vocational predilection. It is central to the successful completion of this master’s degree to have a deep involvement with education and to take charge of the personal responsibilities that it entails.

  • Consider the dedication to management as a professional career with its own entity: it is the best way to make sense of a master’s degree that requires significant personal effort, they are another milestone in the general planning of the professional career itself.


The Diputació de Barcelona offers two grants that partially cover the Master’s Degree Tuition. The application must be made by a town council in the Province of Barcelona that has a music school, and it is recommended that the music school in question is a member of the DIBA Network of Music and Arts Schools.

Fundació Carasso

DGCEA Master students can apply for the scholarship offered by the Carasso Foundation for advanced studies in cultural mediation Complemento Directo. Programa de apoyo a la formación superior en mediación cultural. 

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