Sonology is the discipline that integrates technology into music. The Sonology specialty trains professionals in the field of music technology, within an eminently musical context, and enables them to face critically the various possibilities that technology provides to support the creation, transmission and dissemination of music, in the different formats in which it can be presented.
At the end of your Sonology studies, you will have the ability to manage the processes related to the creation, adaptation and critical application of technological resources to support the composition, interpretation, recording and dissemination of music. Your activity can therefore be carried out in various environments: recording studios, concert halls, radio stations, network broadcasts or companies whose objectives include the production and dissemination of music.
This specialty will introduce you to various media and technologies so that you can learn to work in an organized and efficient way in a recording studio, to detect and solve problems with the various technologies available, to make gestural and musical control interfaces, to plan and to perform musical productions, to create and transform sounds for creative purposes or to support soundtracks or multimedia productions, and to develop computer software to support musical creation, among others.
In the curriculum, in addition to the subjects common to all specialties, such as Complementary Instrumental Training and Ensemble Music, the greatest weight is given to the subjects of applied technologies, specific technical training and acoustics, with subjects such as:
For more information, see this program’s curriculum.
This specialty brings together qualified and diversified teachers in terms of knowledge, professional experience and areas of specialization in the world of music technology. The diversity of these teachers means that you can choose the lines of work that are closest to your interests. In addition, the professionals and researchers invited to the Sonology Seminar each semester will allow you to get in touch with different trajectories, approaches, problems and trends in the professional world and the academic world.
Those students who want to continue their studies at the ESMUC once graduated, they can enroll in one of the master’s degrees offered by the School.
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