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The bibliographic catalogue provides information on the documents (books, magazines, scores, sound and video recordings) found in the ESMUC Library. Document renewals can also be made from the catalogue, after authentication in the My account section.

  • How to register on My Account

It is necessary to access the My account page from the bibliographic catalogue. The first time you sign in you will be asked for the following information:

Name or Surname. (Ex.: Joan / or rather / Martínez)
Barcode number from the Student or Teacher ESMUC card (Ex.: 2047568421)
PIN. This PIN is 6 digit alphanumeric code that you must create when you register. (Ex.: Ab5M12)

Important: The first time you register, the system will ask you to enter the information twice.

For more information on how to register in My account you can look up the catalogue help.

For more information on how to search the catalogue, you can look up the section How to find documents in the catalogue.

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