Researching at ESMUC

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The Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya promotes research plans and participates in research projects regarding the areas of musical knowledge and specialisation that relate to it: interpretation, creation, theory, history, education, culture, technology and musical management.

Since its foundation, ESMUC has progressively incorporated research into its educational and artistic activities. Over the years, the faculty has participated in several research groups and projects, in collaboration with universities and other research centres. On the 2nd of March, 2021, the Board of Trustees of the Fundació per a l’Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya approved a modification of the statutes with which researching is now included as part of the school’s objectives, and is definitively integrated into higher musical education programmes, both undergraduate and postgraduate.

Artistic research at ESMUC

ESMUC has a large number of professors who hold PhDs or are in the process of obtaining one, which leads to the production of university-level academic research. For some years, strategies have been implemented to promote artistic research. Research models that aim to pose and answer questions about specific artistic problems:

  • that can only be formulated and addressed in a higher artistic education centre such as the ESMUC

  • that only practicing musicians can deal with, and

  • where instrumental and compositional practice plays a fundamental role, both in the formulation of questions, as well as in their development, reflection, experimentation, obtaining of answers and expression of the results.

ESMUC has played an significant role in the promotion of European artistic research in music, actively participating in the Artistic Research in Higher Music Education working group of the Xarxa Polifonia (Erasmus Network for Music 2004-2014) of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires , Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC). ESMUC also holds seminars, conferences and has published books and articles on this topic. Additionally, it promotes artistic research in final projects of its undergraduate and master’s students, as well as among its teachers. It has co-edited a monographic book on the subject:

It also has an information centre on this subject that can be accessed freely:

Institutional texts and materials



Esmuc projects and final degree papers

Nota: only some representative works, or those close to artistic research, or characteristic of the conservatory are mentioned. To accesss other projects with more academics, or other kinds of orientation, see RECERCAT.

Jazz and Popular Music
Basco Gironés, Josep
Modulacions i desplaçaments rítmics

Classical and Contemporary Music
Fantova Àlvarez, Eulàlia
L’evolució de la veu de mezzo soprano dins la música religiosa cristiana occidental

Traditional Music
Puig Olives, Pau
La dolçaina : nous recursos interpretatius?

Mestres Qué, Jordi
La gralla contemporània

Martínez Bonfill, Paula
Viatge al món de les flautes

Roig Guarch, Laura Pietat; Castro Bérniz, Tamara
Arts Fusió : una proposta didàctica transdisciplinària a través d’un procés d’aprenentatge creatiu

Vidal Ribas, Montserrat
Organitzem-nos : qui fa què?

Promotion and Management
Bugni, Octavio
Identidades sonoras : OTO Creations

Theory, Composition and Direction
Beriso Ros, Pedro Manuel
Las dos versiones de la Cuarta Sinfonía de Robert Schumann : primer caso de revisión de una sinfonía por parte del propio compositor

García Tomás, Raquel
La ópera como integración de las artes : LSP 3.1

Doctoral Thesis


  • Music: Research as Experience. Directed by Héctor J. Pérez
