
Bachelor’s degree in Music with a specialisation in Music Notation, Music Theory, Ear Training, and Accompaniment (CSMMB 1989), Master's degree in Animation of Educational Concerts (Universidad de Granada, 2002), Diploma of Advanced Studies in Music Education (Universitat de Barcelona, 2008).

Short-term training in various active music pedagogy methodologies.


  • Educational organisation, creation, and management of professional teams and environments.

  • Group pedagogy in instrument Teaching-Learning.

  • Music learning in school and community settings.

  • Edwin Gordon's 'Music Learning Theory'.

  • Applied didactics.

Research Projects:

  • Musicop SCCL

  • Tàndem Project ESMUC - Escola Catalunya de Sant Adrià de Besòs.


He has teaching experience in early childhood, primary, secondary, and university education, as well as in specialised institutions such as music schools and conservatories.

He was head of studies at the EMM-Conservatori de Terrassa (1990-1997), and Director of the EMM de Mataró (2009-2012). He also was the artistic director of the V Festival de Jóvenes Músicos Europeos (1998), manager of the Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya (2000-02), and manager of the Escola Municipal de Música de Girona (2004-09).

He has conducted various training activities for the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Federació de Municipis de Catalunya, the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the Xunta de Galicia, the courses Manuel de Falla (Granada), the Federación de Sociedades Musicales de la Comunitat Valenciana, and several municipalities.

He regularly collaborates with the Diputació de Barcelona as a consultant and instructor in the field of municipal music schools.

He has been a professor at ESMUC since 2001.