
The rules and regulations dictating the access to services and the use of facilities and documents of the Library-CRAI have been approved by the ESMUC Board of Directors:

Charter of rights and duties

Charter of rights and duties of the Library-CRAI users, of the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya

*As approved by the ESMUC Board of Directors on the 6th of June, 2006.


1. To have facilities, equipment and information resources that are adequate to the School’s own areas of knowledge.

2. To obtain information regardless of its location, through consultation, local borrowing, and interlibrary loan.

3. To suggest the acquisition of new materials necessary to the development of teaching, research and study activities.

4. To receive advice on searching for and obtaining information, as well as training on the resources and services offered by the Library.

5. To have guaranteed confidentiality regarding your personal data as well as your information needs.

6. To receive personalised, polite and efficient attention from the library staff.


1. To contribute to the maintaining of facilities, equipment and available information resources for library activities in the best possible condition.

2. Hence, no food or drink can be brought into the library, nor can any document or equipment be damaged.

3. To respect the documentation process and order by leaving all used documents in the carts in order to facilitate their future location. A misplaced document is a lost document.

4. To be respectful of other users and contribute to the library’s proper functioning, in a generally quiet atmosphere that facilitates concentration for study, research, consultation and the reading of materials.

5. Therefore, it is necessary to have silenced mobile phones and to not answer calls within the library, as well as to moderate the of volume headphones and avoid producing noises that may disturb other users.

6. To adhere to the regulations that regulate library services and keep personal data updated in order to enjoy the services that require it.

7. To respect library staff and follow their indications and suggestions, as well as the established opening hours.

Repeated non-compliance of these duties will be sanctioned with the immediate expulsion of the user from the premisses; with an access denial to the library’s services for a period of time to be determined based on the severity of the infraction.

Addendun (June 2021):

Having debts with the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya implies the exclusion from the services provided by the Library-CRAI.

Loan service regulation

Loan service regulation of ESMUC’s Library-CRAI

*As approved by the ESMUC Board of Directors on the 15th od December, 2014.

The objective of the loan service is to facilitate the consultation of Library marterials to all authorised persons outside its own premisses.
1. Definition
Using the loan service means borrowing a document from the Library for a determined period of time and being responsible for its conservation and return within the stipulated deadline.
2. Users
All members of the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya are users of the service: students, teaching and research staff, administration and services staff (PAS) and Alumni.
Authorized external persons or institutions may also use this service.

3. Loan duration and conditions.
3.1. The loan service can only be used by the School ID card holders. In the event that the users do not have an ID card but meet the conditions mentioned in article 2 of these Regulations, the Library will provide them with their own card for the use of said service. The presentation of such document is necessary whenever one wants to use the loan service. Student, faculty and PAS ID cards lose their validity at the end of their affiliation with the School. Additional ID cards for Alumni and external persons or institutions mentioned in article 2 are valid for 4 years. The possession of this ID card requires payment of the amount stipulated in the current rates of the Library service.
3.2 Teaching and research staff, as well as the PAS staff, may have up to a maximum of 10 documents on loan for a period of 30 days. This period may be extended a maximum of 2 times provided that no other user has requested those documents on loan and the extension request is made within the appropriate loaning window.
3.3. Students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree in Music, master’s, postgraduate, and continuing education programs of the School, as well as Alumni or people from outside the School authorised to use this service may borrow up to a maximum of 6 documents for 15 days, extendable under the same conditions mentioned in section 3.2.
3.4. External institutions may borrow up to a maximum of 20 documents for 30 days, which can be extended under the same conditions as stated in section 3.2.
4. Reservations
All users can reserve works that are on loan. These will be added to a waiting list. Up to a maximum of 6 works can be reserved simultaneously. Users have a period of 5 days to collect their reservations; after this period has elapsed, the reservation will be cancelled.
5. Documents available for loan
The entire collection of the Library can be loaned, with the exception of some materials that, due to their rarity, frequent use, conservation state, etc., may be excluded from loan or may be subject to restricted loan only. The documents excluded from loan are the following:
a) Reference works (encyclopaedias, catalogues, dictionaries, etc.).
b) LP, VHS, tapes and microforms.
c) Old, rare and valuable documents.
d) Highly consulted documents, of which the Library only has one copy. In the case of having several copies, one or more of them will be excluded from loan to ensure the possibility of consultation in the reading room.
e) Modern documents that are out of print and difficult to replace.
f) Final degree projects.
g) The latest published issue of each magazine title.
h) Other documents that Library manager considers should be excluded from loan.

6. Non-compliance with the Regulations
6.1. Failing to return the loaned documents within the established deadline will be grounds for sanctions.
6.2. Sanctions will be applied from the first day of delay. A penalty point will be accumulated for each day and each document that is returned late.
When a user registered within the group of teaching and research staff or PAS accumulates 30 penalty points, they will not be able to borrow documents for 15 days.
When a user registered within the group of students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Music, master’s, postgraduate, and continuing education programs of the School, as well as Alumni or people from outside the School authorised to use this service accumulates 18 penalty points, they will not be able to borrow documents for 15 days.
When a user registered within the group of external institutions accumulates 60 penalty points, they will not be able to borrow documents for 15 days. If accumulated points exceed the ban limit, these remaining points will be used in the next sanction.
6.3. Accumulating 6 weeks of delay will result in the suspension of the right to use the Library’s loan services, Instrument Park and Audio-visual Service, and the classroom reservation service until the situation is regularised with the Library. Once the documents are returned to the Library, the user will be able to enjoy the School’s services again, but the corresponding suspension of the right to right to borrow from the Library service will be applied as stipulated in point 6.2 of this regulation.
6.4. A maximum of three email reminders will be sent to the user according to the personal data available to the Library. It is the user’s responsibility to keep this information up to date. A user who accumulates a 5 weeks delay in returning a document will receive a letter notifying them of the situation and the sanctions to be applied if the document is not returned within one week.
6.5. In the event of loss, the user must replace the borrowed work with a copy of the same edition, or, in the case of an out-of-print work, with a copy of similar characteristics proposed by the head of the Library. This same sanction will be also applied in case of damage to said work borrowed by the user. The user will not be able to use the Library’s loan services, the Instrument Park and Audio-visual Service, nor the classroom reservation service again until satisfactory compliance with the sanction is met.
6.6. This whole regulation will equally affect all students, teaching and research staff and PAS of the School. Sanctions against Alumni and external persons or institutions authorised to use the School’s loan service will be dictated by points 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 of these Regulations. Failure to return a document within a maximum period of 6 weeks will result in the definitive loss of the Library user card, and, consequently, the permanent cancellation of access to all the services that possession of this card entitles. This loss will permanently and irrevocably prevent the user from requesting the user card and accessing the loan service again. Sanctions for students who have already graduated will be governed by points 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 of this regulation. Failure to return a document within a maximum period of 6 weeks will make it impossible to access the services offered to Alumni ESMUC, until the documents on loan are returned.

7. Final clause
It is the responsibility of the head of the Library to ensure compliance with these regulations and take the appropriate measures for the proper functioning of the service.
Having a debt with the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya entails the exclusion from any economic benefit (scholarships, grants…), evaluation of the studied courses and, ultimately, of School services (Library-CRAI, Instrument Park…).