
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona and a doctorate from the University of Bologna, funded by the Royal College of Spain. He was the founder and editor-in-chief of the magazine Ópera Actual.


He has participated in national and international research projects, including the European Life in Europe 1600-1900 project of the European Science Foundation, and has published research works on topics of musical dramaturgy.

  • History of opera and other forms of musical theatre.

  • Historical criteria in the interpretation of singing.

  • Musical iconography.

  • Music and visual arts.


He is the co-author of Història de l'Òpera italiana and Discoteca ideal de la ópera, as well as the editor of Colección de cuarenta ejercicios o estudios progresivos de vocalización de Mariano Rodríguez de Ledesma.

  • “El libreto de ópera en España como fuente para el estudio de la práctica musical” Anuario musical (68), 2013.

  • “Italian Theatre Music Preserved in Spanish Ecclesiastical Archives” aThe Circulation of Music in Europe 1600-1900 Berliner Wissenschafts Verlag, 2008.

  • Estudios sobre el barroco musical hispánico: (en torno a la figura del Dr. Miguel Querol. Coordinator alongside Antonio Ezquerro and Luis A. González Marín. CSIC, 2006.

  • Mariano Rodríguez de Ledesma: Colección de cuarenta ejercicios o estudios progresivos de vocalización, Paris 1828ca. Editor. CSIC, 2003.

  • Història de l’òpera italiana, alongside Roger Alier and Fernando Sans. Empúries, 1992.


He has worked at the Gran Teatre del Liceu and has been a contracted researcher in the Department of Musicology at CSIC (2000-2004).