Horacio Curti
Department of Cultural and Musical Studies
Música i cultura III
Músiques tradicionals del món II
Etnomusicologia I
Treball final de màster de flamencologia
Tècniques d’execució de les músiques tradicionals
European Doctorate in Music (Ethnomusicology) from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, with the thesis Aesthetics of sound in Japanese hōgaku. Ethnomusicology and Artistic Research in dialogue. He also holds a Shakuhachi Shihan, the title of shakuhachi master, awarded by the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshukan in Chichibu, Japan, and a Degree in Musicology (Ethnomusicology) from ESMUC, Barcelona.
- Curti, Horacio (soloist) and the Orquesta Nacional de España with Paolo Bressan (conductor) (2019). Desert, by Ramon Humet. World premiere.
- Curti, Horacio and Pujol, Ariadna (2017). Eolssigu! Duration: 14 minutes. Museu de la Música de Barcelona. “Best short film prize at Kathmandu 8th International Folk Music Film Festival”
- Curti, Horacio (soloist) and Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège. (2017). Tokyo Heroes. Brussels.
- Curti, Horacio. Painting in the void. An audio-visual reflection of the creation process of ‘Kūkaku’. A: Screenworks. Special Issue: Musicology on Screen. 2022fc (in press, peer review approved).
- Curti, Horacio and Pujol, Ariadna (2017). Eolssigu! Duration: 14 minutes. Museu de la Música de Barcelona. “Best short film prize at Kathmandu 8th International Folk Music Film Festival”
- Curti, Horacio (2016). Home is Now. Solo Album. Ichi Records.
- Curti, Horacio (2016). Mater Salvatoris. Creation and performance of original music for the short film.
- Curti, Horacio (2009). Ichi. Solo Album. Agharta Music.
His main current lines of research include:
- Artistic research as a pathway for generating knowledge within academia. The artist as a creator and researcher.
- Music from Japan and the Far East with special attention to its sound aesthetics.
- The use of audiovisuals in ethnomusicology and artistic research.
- Curti, Horacio. Painting in the void. An audio-visual reflection of the creation process of ‘Kūkaku’. A: Screenworks. Special Issue: Musicology on Screen. 2022fc (in press, peer review approved).
- Curti, Horacio (ed.). (2017) Eolssigu! Els sons de Corea.. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Barcelona,
- Curti, Horacio (2015-1018). Commissioner of the exhibition Eolssigu! Els sons de Coreaand general coordination of the project by the Museu de la Música de Barcelona. It included: an exhibit, workshops, concert cycle, film cycle, symposium, audiovisual materials, book edition, contact with Korean institutions.
- Curti, Horacio. (2011). El sonido de Japón. Reflexiones sobre el ideal sonoro y su articulación en las prácticas musicales japonesas. A: Cuadernos de la Fundación Botín. Jarauta, Francisco (ed.). Pp. 125-155. Fundación Botin.
- Curti, Horacio (2010). Review of: Hughes, David; Tokita, Alison (eds.) 2008. The Ashgate Research companion to Japanese Music. TRANS-Revista Transcultural de Música (articulo 29).
- Curti, Horacio and Millà Marta (2012). Contes Zen. Petites històries per despertar. Viena edicions.
In addition to teaching undergraduate courses, he is a professor in the Master's program in Music Research and coordinates the programme of Asian music at ESMUC. He was a professor at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and the Middlesex University London / SAE Barcelona.
As an ethnomusicologist, he specialised in Asian music based on his experience as a musician educated in Japan, combining research with intense artistic activities both in relation to classical/traditional Japanese music and free improvisation and contemporary Western classical music. He has performed as a soloist with the Orquesta Nacional de España, the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, the plural ensemble, and the Japanese ensemble Vine. Additionally, he has collaborated with various artists in creating stage works involving dance and poetry, as well as in composing and recording music for audiovisuals, theatre, books, and two solo albums.
Artistic research emerged as an integrating element of these two aspects, academic and artistic, with a significant involvement in the audiovisual medium.
He curated the exhibition Eolssigu! Els sons de Coreaand served as the general coordinator for the project at the Museu de la Música de Barcelona (2015-2018). The project included exhibitions, workshops, concert series, film screenings, symposiums, audiovisual materials, book editions, and collaboration with institutions from Korea.
Curti has a thirty years of teaching experience, encompassing theoretical and instrumental collective education, and musical practice in North and South America, various European countries, and Japan. He has taught at universities such as Durham and SOAS in the UK, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Vienna and Graz in Austria, UAB, UB, Oberta de Catalunya, and Blanquerna in Barcelona, Valladolid and Salamanca in Spain, Tres de Febrero and Buenos Aires in Argentina, and Tokyo College of Music in Japan.