Ester Bonal

Department of Education and Artistic Mediation

Desenvolupament professional
Música i comunitat

Ester Bonal. Foto Martí E. Berenguer


She has been involved in music since the age of 5 at L'ARC in Barcelona. She has studied piano, guitar, recorder, flute, and singing. She has also received training in multiple courses on music pedagogy and choral conducting.


  • Música i cohesió social

  • Música i comunitat

  • Didàctica de la música

Research Projects:

Xamfrà,a project recognized with several awards: Educació Ciutat de Barcelona (2006), Amics de la Unesco de Tortosa (2009), Ministry of Education, Award for Non-University Educational Activities (2013), Premi Francesc Candel from the Fundació Lluís Carulla (2014), Rosa Sensat's Marta Mata Award (2014), and Tatiana Sisquella Social Action Award from the newspaper ARA (2014).




  • Bonal Sarró, Ester (2014), Lideratges: quan un sol plural integra molts singulars. Marc Parés, Carola Castellà and Joan Subirats (coord). Nous Lideratges en moments de canvis. Barcelona. IGOP, UAB (PDF)

  • Bonal Sarró, Ester (2011) La música: una eina educativa polièdrica. Revista del Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Ciències de Catalunya, 134, 81-91 (PDF)

  • Bonal Sarró, Ester (2009)… La música como herramienta para la integración en la ESO. Miquel Àngel Essomba Gelabert (coord.), Esteve Barandica and Pairet (coord.) Construir la escuela intercultural. Reflexiones y propuestas para trabajar la diversidad étnica y cultural. Barcelona. Biblioteca de aula. Graó.

  • Bonal, Ester ; Casas, Marta; Casas, Núria Casas (2005). Diversita’t. Cançons, danses, … activitats i recursos per a la convivència en la diversitat. Barcelona, Fundació Jaume Bofill, Generalitat de Catalunya (PDF)

Audio/Video Recordings


In 2014, she received a Civic Performance Award from the Fundació Lluís Carulla.


In 2004, she initiated a new project for the Fundació l’ARC Música: Xamfrà, Music and Theatre Centre for social inclusion in the Raval district, which she has directed since 2008.

In 2013, she founded "El Teler de Música," a social enterprise for musical educational resources.

Since 2017, she has been the Director of EducArtS, an artistic education project for educational equity according to the Pla de Barris (Barcelona City Council).


She is an instructor in music, choral conducting, and educational organisation courses in various universities, postgraduate programs, and master's programs.

She was a music teacher in secondary schools from 1991 to 2001, where she conducted various interdisciplinary artistic projects.

From 2001 to 2008, she served as the Head of Studies at EMM Can Ponsic (Barcelona), managed by the ARC Música foundation, where she directed the children's choir and the women's choir (until 2018).