
Italian pianist and musicologist. He holds a Ph.D. in Musicology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has conducted courses, lectures, and concerts in more than 300 institutions across Europe, America, Africa, and Asia.


  • Theory of musical interpretation.

  • History of musical interpretation.

  • Aesthetics and reception of 19th-century music.

  • Artistic research in music.

His research focuses on the theory and history of musical interpretation, with particular attention to 19th-century music.


  • Chiantore, Luca. 2001. Historia de la técnica pianística. It is the reference text on the subject in Spanish-speaking countries, for which he has also published an expanded and updated version in English, titled, Tone Moves: A History of Piano Technique.

  • Martínez, Sílvia; Luca Chiantore. 2008. “Entre la música clásica y la música popular: un diálogo.” In Comunicación y música. Miradas interdisciplinares,coordinated by Miguel de Aguilera, Joan E. Adell y Ana Sedeño. Barcelona: Editorial UOC. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

  • Chiantore, Luca. 2009. “Leer a Webern hoy.” In Anton Webern: El camino hacia la nueva música. Barcelona: Nortesur.

  • Chiantore, Luca. 2009. “La théorie du neume dans les enregistrements de Blanche Selva.” In Blanche Selva: naissance d’un piano moderne, coordinated by Jean-Marc Warszawski. Paris: Éditions Symétrie.

  • Chiantore, Luca. 2010.Beethoven al piano. Improvisación, composición e investigación sonora en sus ejercicios técnicos. Barcelona: Nortesur

  • Chiantore, Luca. 2011. “Música y espectáculo en la producción de Alessandro Baricco.” In Alessandro Baricco: Barnum: Crónicas del gran show músical. Barcelona: Nortesur

  • Chiantore, Luca. 2014. Prologue to Investigación artística en música: Problemas, métodos, experiencias y modelos by Rubén López-Cano y Úrsula San Cristóbal Opazo. México DF: Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes / Barcelona: Esmuc.

  • Chiantore, Luca. 2014. Beethoven al pianoforte. Improvvisazione, composizione e ricerca sonora negli esercizi tecnici. Milano: Il Saggiatore. It is the only existing monograph on Beethoven's technical exercises.

  • Domínguez, Áurea; Luca Chiantore; Sílvia Martínez. 2015. Escribir sobre música. El manual de estilo de Musikeon. Valencia: Musikeon Books (in press)


Since 2003, he has been directing the musicological services company Musikeon, and in 2012, he co-founded the collective creation project Tropos Ensemble alongside composer, pianist, and producer David Ortolà.