Guido Iotti
Department of Classical and Contemporary Music
He obtained the Bachelor’s Degree in Organ and Organ Composition (1982) and Harpsichord (1985) at the "N. Paganini" Superior Conservatory of Music in Genoa.
He furthered his studies at the Schola Cantorum in Basel, the Norddeutsche Orgelakademie, the Academia di Musica Italiana per Organo in Pistoia, the Academie Internationale de Orgue de J.S.Bach in Porrentruy, and has attended numerous courses throughout Europe with M. Radulescu, H. Vogel, J.B. Christensen, E. Kooiman, L.F. Tagliavini, and M. Torrent.
He performs organ and harpsichord concerts in Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, and has also given concerts and lectures in America. He has recorded for Catalunya Música, RNE-2 (Radio Clásica), RNE-4, RAI, and RTV Mexico.
Since 1999, he has been the pedagogical director of the Organ Course of El Maresme, with the collaboration of M. Torrent and the participation of guest artists such as J.W. Jansen, L.F. Tagliavini, and E. Kooiman.
Since 2002, he has been a Professor of Instrument Specific Repertoire for Organ at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya. Through this subject, students have been promoted by participating in concerts at an international level.