Corrective Maintenance

Cuidem El Traverso

Corrective maintenance is reactive, and refers to actions such as adjustment, repair, and restoration.

Maintenance of modern pianos and celesta

Modern pianos and celesta maintenance deals with the tuning, repair and restoration of the more than 80 pianos and the celesta at ESMUC.

Maintenance of the clavichord, harpsichord, and fortepianos
Clavicembal Italia

Clavichord, harpsichord, and fortepiano maintenance deals with the tuning, repair, and restoration of the collection of historical instruments from various makers, including 8 harpsichords, 3 fortepianos, and 1 clavichord.

Maintenance of percussion instruments

The Instrument Park benefits from the technical expertise of Jordi Fontanet from Sforzando percussion

Maintenance of wind instruments
Imatge d'un grup de fagots

The corrective maintenance of wind instruments is dedicated to solving issues arising from their intensive use and guaranteeing their proper functioning as well as ensuring a proper conservation, both aesthetically and technically.

Maintenance of string instruments
Imatge d'un contrabaix

String Instrument Maintenance is responsible for the tuning, repair, and restoration of both bowed and plucked string instruments.

Maintenance of positive and studio organs

Positive and studio organ maintenance from the organ room deals with the tuning, repair and restoration of its 2 positive organs and the studio organ.

Maintenance of electronic and electrified instruments
Piano Electronic

Electronic and electrified instrument maintenance deals with the tuning, repair, and restoration of these instruments.