
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Letters and History (Université Lyon II France). DEUG (Diplôme d’études universitaires générales) in Psychology and Anthropology (Université Lyon II). CAPES in History and Geography (Education Nationale, Paris 1993). Master's degree in History of Civilizations and Religions (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2002-2004, Spain).

Master's degree in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP (Holos-Amadeus Talents Center) Tarragona and Barcelona 2010-2012. He studied piano with Sergei Kouznetsov, choral conducting with Nicole Corti, and Willems music pedagogy with J. Chapuis in Lyon, France.


  • De la nature humaine dans les religions bouddhiste, musulmane et Chrétienne: approche anthropologique, URV-INSF, 2003.

  • L’infini en l’homme et ses succédanés modernes, URV-INSF, 2010

He has also written a series of articles on the relationship between text and music in the "Mélodie Française," which can be consulted with the professor.


He has been a history teacher in Lyon and Barcelona and a music language and dance history teacher at Artemis Dansa (Tarragona). Currently, he teaches music language in the music classroom at URV in Tarragona and French phonetics applied to singing (selection made in 2004) as well as the aesthetics and poetics of the mélodie française at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.