Josep Pujol

Department of Cultural and Musical Studies

Música i cultura I
Taller d’escriptura per a la Musicologia

Josep Pujol


Bachelor's degree in Art History (1987), and a Ph.D. in Musicology (2016).



Research Lines

  • Music in Catalonia in the 17th and 18th centuries.

  • Music and slavery in 17th-century Spain.

  • Relationships between music and text.

  • Music and dance.

  • Noucentisme


Latest Articles:


  • Pujol, Josep. Perfils de Xavier Monsalvatje (1881-1921). Girona: Curbet Edicions (Biblioteca Fundació Valvi), 2012.

  • Gay, Joan; Pallàs, Laura; Pujol, Josep. Xavier Montsalvatge. Una estètica des de la premsa. Selecció d’articles de crítica musical. Girona: Diputació de Girona, 2012.

  • Pallàs, Xavier; Monells, Carme; Pujol, Josep. Contradanses olotines i altres balls de l'Arxiu de sant Esteve. Barcelona: Tritó (col· Mestres Gironins), 2008.

  • Cabré, Bernat; Pujol, Josep. Benedicta et venerabilis i altres peces marianes, de Josep Gaz. Barcelona: Tritó (col· Mestres Gironins), 2007


In addition to his musical interests, he also has literary interests, with several written books of short narratives and a novel; as well as journalistic and playwriting experience. He regularly writes for the Revista de Girona, of which he is an advisor.


He has been a professor at ESMUC since its creation in 2001, and was part of the management team as an academic secretary between 2008 and 2010.