Quality committees

The Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya has two committees linked to the different quality processes with the aim of promoting the continuous improvement of the training plans and the functioning of the centre. They are chaired by the Head of Research, Quality and Innovation. Their specific objectives are to:

  • Promote quality, generating a positive predisposition towards self-assessment processes.

  • Promote the self-assessment of the centre, proposing processes and aspects to be evaluated.

  • Promote joint reflection, linking the different processes and aspects assessed.

  • Maintain the Internal Quality Assurance System active, reviewing the different processes and increasing its efficiency..

Evaluation Committee

Establishes the criteria for the assessment of students, teaching staff, teaching support staff and administrative and service staff, as well as the assessment of the general running of the centre, taking into account the assessment framework of the institutions and qualifications of the European Higher Education Area. It meets at least twice a year..


  • Marta Buxadera, representative of the administration and services personnel

  • Adrià Crespo, representative of the students

  • Horacio Curti, representative of the department of cultural and musical studies

  • Daniel Forcada, representative of the department of jazz, flamenco, modern and traditional Catalan music

  • Gisela Garcia, representative of the administration and services personnel

  • Enric Giné, representative of the Department of Music Technology and Management

  • Vika Kleiman, representative of the department of education and artistic mediation

  • Noa Martí, representative of the students

  • Daniel Perpiñan, representative of the Classical and Contemporary Music Department

  • Francisco Rubio, representative of the department of early music

  • Irene Tineo, representative of the students


  • Collaborate in the implementation, monitoring and revision of the Internal Quality Assurance System.

  • Assessing the preparation of the quality plan and the reports on the monitoring of qualifications and accreditation, where appropriate

  • Drawing up periodic evaluation reports on teaching staff, teaching support staff and administrative and service staff.

  • Supervise the academic assessment of students

  • Proposing to the Management Committee the models and criteria for evaluation and satisfaction surveys.

Studies Committee

Derived from the Internal Systems for Quality Assurance. It participates in the processes of validation (2.1), monitoring (2.2) and modification (2.3) of degree programmes. Its purpose is to evaluate, inform and guide the improvement of study plans. To do so, it analyses the data and indicators of the degree programmes and issues reports addressed to the Management Committee and to the different interest groups involved in the operation of the study programmes. It has a permanent nature and meets weekly.


  • David Albet, coordinator of instrumental departments

  • Eduard Resina, coordinator of the departments of musical creation and musical thinking

  • Josep Margarit, former head of studies and teacher in the department of musical creation and theory

  • Laia González, teacher in the Department of Education and Artistic Mediation