Daniel Carbonell

Department of Jazz, Flamenco, Popular and Traditional Catalan Music



Dani Saluda


Daniel Carbonell Sugranyes
is passionate about double reed instruments. He enjoys exploring their sound resources and the craftsmanship of the reeds. He works to promote and teach these instruments.

He taught himself to play the gralla and tarota, following various references and sharing experiences with his peers.

He studied modern and baroque oboe with Professor Xavier Blanch. He graduated from ESMUC specializing in historical oboes under the guidance of Alfredo Bernardini and Paolo Grazzi. He further specializes in the shawm and dulcian with Josep Borràs.


As a traditional musician, he accompanies authorities, dances, and traditional elements. He takes part in various festivities with the Ganxets Grallers del Baix Camp and Bufalodre, collaborating with different groups.

He has also explored the gralla beyond its traditional context. He founded the groups Metralla for gralla and brass instruments, and the rock group La Banda de la Festa Major. As a performer, he has given concerts featuring the gralla and organ and premiered contemporary works like Deriva Herran by Ivan Joanals or ANTÍPODA, for gralla and electronics by Joan Bages.

Presently, he plays the subbass gralla with the gralla quartet QuatreQuarts.


  • Terços amunt! con Ganxets. Published by Discmedi, 2003.

  • Ara ballen els gegants. Les músiques dels gegants de Barcelona. Published: Tecnosaga 2006.

  • LA BANDA de la Festa Major. Published: Aula de Sons, 2017.

  • Simfonies i fantasies per a gralla. Published: Fonoteca de música tradicional catalana, 2018.

  • Sonau, Musichs, Soanu…! (Balls i Festa a la Cataluya del Barroc. Published: Xuriach 2018.

  • Musiques del Seguici Festiu de Reus. Published by l’Aula de Sons, 2022.


  • Músiques del temps I. Repertori per a gralla dels Ganxets. Edicions del Migdia, 2003.

  • Músiques del temps II Repertori per a gralla dels Ganxets. Published: Anagrama Edicions, 2010.

  • Músiques de la Festa Major de Reus. Published: Aula de Sons, 2022.


He is the founder of the Aula de Sons Escola de Música Tradicional.

As a professor, he teaches gralla, dolçaina, shawm, and ensembles at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.

Since the 2020-21 academic year, he has been teaching gralla at the Department of Traditional Music at the Escola i Conservatori Municipal de Música Mestre Montserrat in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Daniel Carbonell has played a significant role in consolidating the technical and pedagogical foundations of the current gralla world.